Category: Python
This category aims to organize relevant blog posts from on the subject of Python.
Each blog post concludes with references for further study.
Learn Django over the weekend
Tutorial on creating a simple and user-friendly Django web app for beginner level.
How to publish a PIP package?
Step-by-step process to create and publish a PIP package.
What is my IP? A simple Flask project
This article shows you how you can create your own public IP address viewer using Flask.
Simplify markdown with Python
Markdown files are a popular format for documentation and other text-based content, but as the amount of information grows, the files can become long and difficult to manage.
In this article, I will show you how you can simplify and organize your markdown files by compiling them into a single README with Python script.
Reverse proxy
A reverse proxy server is a type of proxy server that typically sits behind the firewall in a private network and directs client requests to the appropriate backend server.