SSH: Unlocking Its Power – A Beginner’s Guide

SSH: Unlocking Its Power – A Beginner’s Guide


  • Beginner to Intermediate


  • Familiar with various Linux distribution

Table of Contents


The Secure Shell (SSH) protocol, invented by Tatu Ylönen, is a protocol for secure remote login and other secure network services over an insecure network [LoYl06].

Whether you're a developer, sysadmin, power user, or regular user, knowing a good deal about SSH will definitely enhance your productivity and achieve secured way of communication.

It is one of the most common network service utility and the de facto standard for remote access to a Unix machine - a replacement for the insecure yet popular TELNET [Ward14], [Occu18].

Futhermore, SSH as a client/server protocol uses cryptography for confidentiality, integrity, and authentication [Neme11]. The main objective of this protocol is to improve security on the Internet therefore all encryption, integrity, and public key algorithms used are well-known and well-established [LoYl06].

Why use SSH?

  • It encrypts all data during its connection, including username and password [Barr16].
  • As a result, it protects you from eavesdroppers [Ward14].
  • Allows remote management of servers, making it easier to perform administrative tasks.

OpenSSH Essentials

OpenSSH is probably the most widely used Linux SSH service, basically it is a suite of secure networking software/tools based on the SSH protocol [Occu18]. The suite includes several commands, as listed in the table below:

Command Description
ssh It is the client
sshd The server daemon
ssh-keygen For generating public/private key pairs
ssh-add & ssh-agent Tools for managing authentication keys
ssh-keyscan Retrieves public keys from servers
sftp-server File transfer over SFTP
sftp and scp File transfer client utilities

Table 1. OpenSSH command list and descriptions based on [Neme11].

Port 22

SSH uses port number 22 for communication. You can find this information in /etc/services.

$ cat /etc/services | grep ssh

Locating SSH service on Linux

Figure 1. Locating the SSH Service

In addition, it operates at the application layer in the Internet Protocol Suite.

Internet Protocol Suite focusing on SSH

Figure 2. Internet Protocol Suite based on [Mcdo20]

Service name Port number Transport protocol Reference
ssh 22 tcp/udp RFC4251

Table 2. SSH service description based on

SSH Architecture

In this section, I will guide you through implementing various SSH architectural components as depicted in Figure 3.

A beginners guide to SSH - SSH architecture

Figure 3. SSH architecture based on [BaSi01]

1. The SSH Server

For demonstration purposes, I have set up the following Linux server

Name IP

By default, SSH is installed on nearly all Linux distributions. To check if it is installed on Fedora, use the following command:

$ yum list installed | grep ssh

Verifying SSH installation on Fedora

Figure 4. Yum installed list

On Ubuntu, to install the SSH server, follow these instructions:

$ sudo dpkg --list | grep openssh

If nothing is found, continue:

$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server

OpenSSH Server installation on Ubuntu - 1

Figure 5. Installing OpenSSH Server on Ubuntu

Clearly, you need to verify if the server has been set up.

$ systemctl status ssh

Verifying SSH server status using systemctl status

Figure 6. Verifying SSH server status using systemctl status ssh

2. The SSH Client

To start with, the basic SSH client syntax is

ssh [options] [username@]host [command]

Here, I've provided a list of hostnames and IP addresses based on Figure 3 for easier reference during the upcoming practical demonstration. Please note that your environment details may differ, so keep track accordingly.

# SSH client (user) Belongs to User type
- admin hogwarts ( sudoer
- dumbledore hogwarts ( sudoer
- harry.potter hogwarts ( normal
- ron.weasley hogwarts ( normal
... ... ... ...
- godric gryffindor ( sudoer
1. harry.potter gryffindor ( normal
- ron.weasley gryffindor ( normal
2. dumbledore gryffindor ( sudoer
... ... ... ...
- rowena ravenclaw ( sudoer
3. luna.lovegood ravenclaw ( normal
... ... ... ...
4. lord.voldemort - -

Table 3. SSH clients (users) table based on Figure 3: SSH Architecture.

1st scenario - I

Let's examine our first scenario, where a client wants to log in to the server (

Harry connects with the SSH server

Figure 7. SSH Architecture - first scenario

Harry connects with the SSH server

Figure 8. Conceptual diagram derived from Figure 7

Harry wants to log in to the server. Therefore, he needs to run the following command:

$ ssh

Harry connects to the server using password

Figure 9. Harry connects to the server using his password


  • This will only work if Harry already has an account and password set up on the server.
  • If he doesn't have an account on the server, the sysadmin must add him.

The sysadmin can add Harry to the server using the following command:

$ sudo useradd harry.potter
$ sudo passwd harry.potter

sudo passwd harry.potter will create a password for Harry.

1st scenario - II

This scenario section deals with Public key authentication. It is best method to access remote systems is using public key cryptography to authenticate users to the server.

First, Harry needs to generate a public and private key pair.

Use the following command to generate them:

Harry generates public & private key using ssh-keygen

Figure 10. Harry generates public & private keys using ssh-keygen

Step 1. Run ssh-keygen

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "harry.potter@hogwarts.priv"
  • -t rsa means RSA algorithm will be used
  • -b 4096 means key length of 4096 bits will be used
  • -C means comments and it is usually an email id

Step 2. /home/harrypotter/.ssh/id_rsa

Location for keys

Step 3. Enter passphrase

To protect your keys, you can enter a passphrase. This adds an extra layer of security.

Step 4. /home/harrypotter/.ssh/

  • id_rsa: is a private key. DO NOT SHARE THIS WITH ANYONE!
  • This is your public key. Share this with others for various purposes.

As of now, the system administrator should add Harry's to the server. Assuming the admin has already received Harry's public key, here are the steps to follow:

# 1. Login to the server ( as an admin

# 2. Create .ssh directory
$ sudo mkdir -p /home/harry.potter/.ssh

# 3. Set the correct permissions
$ sudo chmod 700 /home/harry.potter/.ssh

# 4. Paste the Harry's into authorized_keys
$ sudo vi /home/harry.potter/.ssh/authorized_keys

# 5. Correct permission for authorized_keys
$ sudo chmod 600 /home/harry.potter/.ssh/authorized_keys

# 6. Finally, change the ownership
$ sudo chown -R harry.potter:harry.potter /home/harry.potter/.ssh

Sysadmin adds Harry's public key to the server

Figure 11. Sysadmin adds Harry's public key to the server

Now, Harry will be able to successfully log in to the server from his machine without needing to use his password.

Harry's successful login using public/private key

Figure 12. Harry's successful login using public/private key

1st scenario - III

On the contrary, Harry can log in to the server using a sudoer's password, although this is generally considered a bad practice. However, for demonstration purposes, it is acceptable.

As his best friend, Ron, gave his password to Harry without hesitation, here is how Harry can log in to the Hogwarts server:

$ ssh ron.weasley@
ron.weasley@'s password: **********

Harry logs into the server using Ron's credentials

Figure 13. Harry logs into the server using Ron's credentials

2nd scenario

SSH Architecture - second scenario

Figure 14. SSH Architecture - second scenario

SSH Architecture - second scenario - Dumbledore runs command to the SSH server

Figure 15. Conceptual diagram derived from Figure 14

For example:

ssh dumbledore@ hostname


  • Hostname is the command executed by Dumbledore
  • Specifying his username and the server IP address, i.e., dumbledore@
3rd scenario

SSH Architecture - third scenario

Figure 15. SSH Architecture - third scenario

SSH Architecture - second scenario - Luna requests file from the SSH server

Figure 16. Conceptual diagram derived from Figure 15

When you want to copy a file from the server to your local machine or vice-versa you'll use scp command. It is OpenSSH secure file copy. The scp command is similar to the old UNIX rcp command [NeBr12].

This is how to do it

$ scp /home/luna/quibbler.txt luna@hogwarts:/tmp

Here, Luna securely copies quibbler.txt from her machine to the server's tmp directory.

Now, if she want to copy something from the server, this is how she should do it

$ scp luna@hogwarts:/home/luna/school/notes.txt /home/luna/

Basically, the syntaxt is:

scp [source] [target]
4th scenario

SSH Architecture - fourth scenario

Figure 17. SSH Architecture - fourth scenario

SSH Architecture - fourth scenario - Voldemort is denied from the SSH server

Figure 18. Conceptual diagram derived from Figure 17

SSH Architecture - fourth scenario

Figure 19. Voldemort is denied to the SSH server

SSH + Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

In this section, I will demonstrate how to configure an SSH server to enforce Two-Factor authentication, based on the original article from the Ubuntu site.

First, login to the Linux server, in my case (gryffindor)

$ ssh godric@

Install Google Authenticator PAM module

$ sudo apt install libpam-google-authenticator

Append the following line to the end of the /etc/pam.d/sshd file

auth required

Restart sshd daemon

$ sudo systemctl restart sshd.service

Update /etc/ssh/sshd_config file as mentioned below

# Change to yes to enable challenge-response passwords (beware issues with some PAM modules and threads)
ChallengeResponseAuthentication YES

# Change to no to disable tunnelled clear text passwords
#PasswordAuthentication yes

Now, run the following command

$ google-authenticator

Answer the questions with the following recommendation

Do you want authentication tokens to be time-based (y/n) y

Do you want me to update your "/home/godric/.google_authenticator" file? (y/n) y

Do you want to disallow multiple uses of the same authentication
token? y

Disallow multiple uses: y

Increase the original generation time limit: n

Do you want to enable rate-limiting? (y/n) y

As a result, QR code will be generated

Linux SSH server Google Authenticator QR code

Figure 20. Example of Google Authenticator QR code on the Linux SSH server.

Eventually, I will need to scan this QR code into my Google Authenticator app on my Android or iOS phone. Here are the steps:

Google Authenticator - step 1

Figure 21. Google Authenticator - step 1.

Google Authenticator - step 2

Figure 22. Google Authenticator - step 2.

Google Authenticator - step 3

Figure 23. Google Authenticator - step 3.

Finally, try logging in as the user godric to the server at You will be prompted for:

  1. godric's password
  2. The verification code from Google Authenticator
$ ssh godric@

(godric@ Password: *****
(godric@ Verification code: *****


In this additional section, I will be talking about

  1. Setting up OpenSSH server on Windows Server 2022
  2. PuTTY
  3. Windows Command Line Interface

1. OpenSSH setup on Windows Server 2022

  • WIP

2. PuTTY

Here's a quick guide on installing and using PuTTY, a popular SSH and telnet client for Windows OS. First, download the software from the official PuTTY website.

Setting Up PuTTY on Windows - 1

Figure 24. Setting Up PuTTY on Windows - 1.

Setting Up PuTTY on Windows - 2

Figure 25. Setting Up PuTTY on Windows - 2.

Setting Up PuTTY on Windows - 3

Figure 26. Setting Up PuTTY on Windows - 3.

Setting Up PuTTY on Windows - 4

Figure 27. Setting Up PuTTY on Windows - 4.

Connecting to the SSH server through PuTTY

Figure 28. Connecting to the SSH server (

PuTTY security alert before connecting to the server

Figure 29. PuTTY security alert before connecting to the server.

Successfuly server connection through PuTTY

Figure 30. Successfuly server connection through PuTTY.

3. Windows Command Line Interface

Finally, if you prefer built-in powershell or cmd on Windows, you can use that too

Successfuly server connection through PuTTY
Successfuly server connection through PuTTY

Figure 31. SSH through Windows Powershell.

Best Practices for Using SSH

  1. Keep system software up to date

    Always update your SSH client and server with the latest patches that fix security issues as they are found and resolved [NeBr12].

    Distribution Command to update
    Fedora & RHEL sudo yum update
    Ubuntu sudo apt update

    Table 4. Commands to update installed software packages on various Linux distributions.

  2. Strong authentication
    Implement Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) to ensure extra layer of security.

  3. Public key authentication
    Prefer public key authentication over password-based authentication.

  4. Hardened configuration
    To reduce the attack surface, disable unnecessary SSH services and protocols [Tiwa00].


In conclusion, the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol is an important tool for secure remote access and management of Unix-like systems, that uses well-known encryption algorithms for confidentiality, integrity, and authentication. The use of OpenSSH commands such as ssh and scp demonstrates its practical applications, ranging from simple remote logins to secure file transfers. Additionally, we explored the functionalities of the SSH client and server, along with 2FA setup on the Linux server. And concluded this article with best practices for using SSH.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact me at hello[at]

Articles recommended by the author


[Barr16] D. J. Barrett, Linux Pocket Guide. O’Reilly, 2016. [Online]. Available:

[BaSi01] D. J. Barrett and R. E. Silverman, SSH, the Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide. O’Reilly, 2001. [Online]. Available:

[LoYl06] C. M. Lonvick and T. Ylonen, “The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol Architecture,” Internet Engineering Task Force, Request for Comments RFC 4251, Jan. 2006. doi: 10.17487/RFC4251. Available:

[Mcdo20] M. McDonald, Web Security for Developers: Real Threats, Practical Defense. No Starch Press, 2020. [Online]. Available:

[NeBr12] C. Negus and C. Bresnahan, Linux Bible. Wiley, 2012. [Online]. Available:

[Neme11] E. Nemeth, UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook. Prentice Hall, 2011. [Online]. Available:

[Occu18] OccupyTheWeb, Linux Basics for Hackers: Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali. No Starch Press, 2018. [Online]. Available:

[Ward14] B. Ward, How Linux Works, 2nd Edition: What Every Superuser Should Know. No Starch Press, 2014. [Online]. Available:

[Tiwa00] H. Tiwari, “Enhancing SSH Security: Strategies and Best Practices Against Cyber Attacks”, [Online]. Available:

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