Standard Linux Directories Explained

Standard Linux Directories Explained

Table of Contents

  • /bin
  • /boot
  • /dev
  • /etc
  • /home
  • /lib
  • /media
  • /mnt
  • /opt
  • /proc
  • /root
  • /run
  • /sbin
  • /src
  • /sys
  • /tmp
  • /usr/bin
  • /usr/include
  • /usr/local
  • /usr/sbin
  • /usr/share
  • /usr/tmp
  • /var
  • /var/log
  • Bibliography

In this article, I will comprehensively discuss Linux directories and their contents. It is essential to understand the hierarchy and have a fundamental understanding of it.

Memorization is not necessary, but the better you understand, the easier it will be to work with different standard Linux directories.


/bin contains core operating system commands [Neme11]. Most of the programs are in binary format.

In a previous article, I discussed a few commands. Now, let's take a look at some program examples found inside the /bin directory:

  • /bin/ls: Used for listing directory contents.
  • /bin/cp: Used for copying files and directories.
  • /bin/mv: Used for moving files and directories.


The boot directory consists everything required for the boot process.

This directory stores data that is used before the kernel beings executing user-mode programs [Ng04].


Contains device files including entries for disks, printers, etc. For example, /dev/sda represents the first hard disk drive.


The /etc directory contains critical startup and configuration files.


/home is the default home directories for users.


Contains libraries, shared libraries, and commands used by /bin and /sbin [Neme11]. Windows equivalent to a shared library would be a DLL file.


This directory is used for "mount point" for removable media. For instance, CD-ROMs, floppy disks, et cetera.


Moreover, /mnt is used for temporary mounting.


This directory is reserved for all the software packages that are not part of the default OS installation [Ng04].


The /proc directory holds information about all running processes.


This is the home directory of the superuser.
Most represented by /.


This directory is a rendezvous points for running programs (PIDs, sockets, etc.) [Neme11]


System binaries.

Utilities used for system administration and other root-only commands are stored in /sbin, /usr/sbin, and /usr/local/sbin.

The directory includes binaries essential for booting, restoring, recovering, and/or repairing the system in addition to the binaries in /bin [lf24].


Files held for distribution through web or other servers [Neme11].

For instance, it's consider a good practice to include the website data inside /srv directory (while using HTTP server).


The /sys is the location where information about devices, drivers, and some kernel features is exposed [lf24].


The /tmp directory is used for temporary files and files inside will be erased between reboots.


The /usr directory is one of the most important directory in Linux because it holds all the necessary user binaries.


Most commands and executable files belongs to this directory [Neme11]. For example, vi, gcc, gnome-session, and so forth.


This directory is for 'Header files'; for compiling C programs.


Local software or configuration data; mirrors /usr. According to [Ng04],
this directory is widely regarded as a good place in which to keep self-compiled or third-party programs. Futhermore, the hierarchy is for used by the system administrator when installing software locally.


For less important commands for administration and repair, mean to be run by root.


Contains items that might be common to other system, for e.g., docs, icons, fonts, et cetera.


For more user space temporary files.


Contains system-specific data and a few configuration files [Neme11].


For system log files.

Articles recommended by the author


[Neme11] E. Nemeth, UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook. Prentice Hall, 2011. [Online]. Available:

[Ng04] B. Nguyen, Linux Filesystem Hierarchy, 2004. [Online].

[lf24] [Online]. Available:

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